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What Is A Music Promoter?
Music promoters are incredibly important players in the music industry. If you want to be a famous performer and play big shows and festivals then you will...
What Is A Pop Song Structure?
Analysing pop song structure is often the first step for many songwriters learning how to write a pop song. Our step by step guide will show you...
The 10 Best Male & Female Duets
The best male and female duets enable both vocalists to shine, providing equal stage time. But, as with choosing a solo track, the number should also suit...
What Is The Best Music For Dance Competitions?
Having the best music for dance competitions, as well as the best dance moves, gives you a great chance of winning. However, putting together a music mix...
What Are The Best 16 Acapella Songs?
Would you like to try singing unaccompanied? Maybe you’re unsure which acapella songs would show your voice off and be easy enough to manage without...
Who Are The Most Famous Dance Groups?
Choosing a stage name isn’t as common for dancers as it is for dance groups. We’ll guide you through choosing a name with some great examples famous dance...
How To Come Up With A Stage Name For Singers
It can make sense to keep your individual identity and your identity as a singer, different. To do this, you’ll need to work out how to come up with a stage...
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