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How Did Sam Smith Get Signed?
You may be wondering how the biggest stars of today became famous and landed their record deals. From cleaning toilets in a bar to singing the Bond theme...
Singing With A Cough And Cold – Tips And Remedies
If you’re a professional vocalist or aspiring to be one, catching a bug can be really debilitating. You can’t usually postpone a show, gig or audition, so...
How Do Open Mic Nights Work?
Want to know how open mics work, what happens, what they are like, and what to expect on the night? Here’s all you need to know about performing at your...
Is Vaping and Smoking Bad For Singers?
The dangers of smoking are widely understood. What about vaping? Vaping is considered a safer, less harmful alternative to traditional...
How To Host An Open Mic Night
For potential event organisers, hosting an open mic night can be a fun way to generate a source of income. So, what do you have to consider before becoming...
How To Become A Famous Singer
Thousands of people want to be famous for singing in the music industry and Tik Tok but very few make it to the top. There is no right way to do it and many...
14 Easy Songs To Sing For Girls
Are you struggling to choose a track to learn? Perhaps you’re a beginner and need to start with something uncomplicated and achievable. Whether you’re a...
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