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How Much Should You Charge For A Gig?
Many bands and artists book gigs without knowing how much to charge, or even how much they can make. Charge too much and you may lose the gig. but charge...
7 Benefits Of Listening To Music While Studying
Knuckling down to some revision can be hard. So what can you do to make your study time more effective and productive? And what exactly are the...
41 Famous Singers Who Changed Their Names
As a singer or musician, your identity and branding are an important part of your act and many artists choose a stage name. So, which singers changed their...
How To Get Noticed By A Record Label
With the popularity of working in the music industry rising, getting noticed seems to be becoming harder and harder. After the rise of the internet, though,...
Loss Of Singing Voice: 7 Ways To Get Your Voice Back!
Struggling with loss of singing voice? Are you panicking because you’re due on stage tonight and you’ve got a raspy sound? Perhaps you have a recording...
How To Tune A Guitar By Ear For Beginners
As we start out learning to play the guitar, one of the first hurdles we face as students are tuning our instruments. Perhaps you’ve had your first music...
How To Start A Singing Career
If you want to start a singing career then it is going to take a lot of work. Launching yourself into superstardom may seem like it could happen quickly but...
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