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19 Of The Best Acapella Songs To Sing
Singing acapella (or a cappella) without music is a special way to show off the power of your voice and is an important part of learning how to sing. There...
The Best Tea For Singers
The best tea for singers can have a positive effect on your voice. However, there are certain foods and drinks you might have to remove from your diet to...
How To Clear Your Throat Of Mucus
Flu season is a real threat to your vocal cords. Viruses and colds leave singers with mucus on their vocal folds. No one wants to get on stage sounding...
29 Clean Songs For Kids
If you’re a young singer, it’s important to have a range of clean songs (i.e. kid appropriate songs) under your belt. When you’re auditioning for a singing...
27 Singers Who Write Their Own Songs
Are you thinking about coming up with some self-made tunes? If so, it’s worth looking to the stars for industry inspiration? Singers who write their own...
32 Good Songs To Sing For Talent Shows & Stage
Getting a good song to sing for talent shows and stage competitions is both exciting and nerve-wracking. As the show or competition draws closer, it’s...
Singers Who Smoke Cigarettes – 16 Singing Stars Who Smoke!
It’s no secret that smoking is extremely bad for your health. For celebrities that smoke cigarettes who depend on their singing voice, the dangers of...
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