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Music Scale Notes – What Are They and Why Are They Important?
In music theory, scales are one of the most important things you’ll learn. It’s the foundation of music, and learning scales and scale charts will vastly...
What Is An Engineer / Producer?
By Tamarin Fountain Whether you’re new to the industry or have been around for a while, the various terms and titles can be confusing, especially as there’s...
How To Write Sad Song Lyrics
By Tamarin Fountain Are you an aspiring songwriter seeking to share your experiences in your tracks? By creating honest, heartfelt song lyrics you can move...
What Does Sonically Mean In Music?
By Tamarin Fountain Do you often hear people talking about sonics, but are unsure what they’re all about? So, what does sonically mean in music? So...
Why Do I Yawn When I Sing?
By Tamarin Fountain Do you feel like you’re not always in full control of your vocals when singing? Perhaps you find yourself taking an involuntary...
Does Singing Burn Calories?
By Amy Poole Have you ever wondered how many calories you burn whilst singing, or perhaps you want to calculate it yourself? Hitting the high notes requires...
What Is Breath Control In Music?
By Tamarin Fountain Breath control exercises are essential for singers looking to improve their singing technique. Every singer needs to practice vocal...
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