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How To Promote Music On Reddit
‘The front page of the internet’. That’s how Reddit has described itself for as long as we can remember, and let’s be honest, they’re not wrong....
How To Post YouTube Video On Instagram
As an artist, you probably already have an Instagram and YouTube account. You may even own an Instagram account to repost YouTube videos. However, knowing...
How To Claim Your TikTok Artist Profile
If you still need to claim your TikTok artist profile, then you are missing a beat. It may have only launched three and a half years ago. But the short...
Loudness War – Creating Dynamic Range Music
Dynamic range, loudness war… such a slippery argument to talk about, right?! But, I have a brave heart so, let’s dive in! Seriously talking,...
What Does A Post Production Coordinator Do?
If you’re a bit of a film geek like us, chances are you’ve probably watched the credits at the end of a movie. Like us, you’re sure to be marvelled by the...
Gigsalad Review: Is Gigsalad Worth It For Creatives?
If you’re an artist, especially a solo artist, it’s pretty much a given that you’ll spend more time negotiating gig opportunities than performing. In some...
Social Media Tips For Cinemas: How To Improve Your Cinema’s Social Media
In Today’s world, it is hard to avoid social media. It has slowly made its way into all industries in the past 10 years. The film industry is no different....
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