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The Best Film Production Companies in the UK
What do film production companies do? In a nutshell, a film production UK company helps create and fund films, ready for distribution and...
The Best Film Books To Read
Are you looking for the best film books? In the filmmaking industry, as in life, we can always learn new things. Whether you are an aspiring filmmaker or...
What Is A Film Crew And What Do They Do?
As an aspiring filmmaker, you are probably used to doing almost everything yourself on set. It’s how most of us begin – yelling directions to the...
Mista Strange & DTSNY
Very few have dared to be as bold and outlandish as Mista Strange, and DSTNY is only the beginning. ‘DSTNY’ In January 2020, UK drill rapper and...
Tone Production In African American Music
Today, we will look into the blue notes and tone production in African American music. There is so much rich history in these genres of music and you will...
The Best Film School For Filmmaking
Film School is a vital step in any aspiring filmmaker’s blossoming career. And, while not exactly necessary, it might just be the most reliable place to get...
Matthew Ellis, 2020 Songwriting Competition Winner
The time has come to announce the lucky winner of our #StayAtHome Songwriting Competition! Stay At Home Songwriting Competition If you’re unsure...
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