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Yamaha CS60 Samples
The Yamaha CS60 is a vintage analog synthesizer from the 1970s. It was one of the first polyphonic synthesizers and was an integral part of the popular...
The Arturia Fet 76 Review
The Arturia Fet 76 is a virtual recreation of the classic UREI 1176 compressor. It is a plugin that is designed to replicate the character and sound...
Best UK Garage Drum Kit Pack
In this article, we will be recommending the best UK garage drum kit pack and where you can download it. What is Garage music? Garage music is a genre of...
The Best Free LFO Plugin Mac
So before we begin, what exactly is LFO? Low-Frequency Oscillators (LFOs) are a type of signal generator used to create a repeating waveform. They are used...
SRX Keyboards VST Free Download
In this article, we will be giving you a breakdown of what the SRX Keyboard is, how to set up and use it as well as a free download link. SRX Keyboards is a...
Where to Buy Valhalla Presets
Valhalla Presets are a collection of high-quality sound and effects presets created by professional sound designers. These presets are designed to enhance...
Free SYX Files For Korg Poly-800
The Korg Poly-800 is a classic analog synthesizer from the 1980s. It was the first affordable polyphonic synthesizer from Korg and was released in...
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