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Best Jazz Guitarists of All Time
The history of the guitar’s place in jazz music is a long and often confusing one. Since the early days of jazz, the guitar and jazz guitarists were...
Jazz Fusion – What Exactly Is This Is?
As a musician, you might be wondering what is jazz fusion and what does jazz fusion sound like? Jazz fusion is music that incorporates elements of jazz with...
Akai MPK25 Review – Is It Any Good?
Are you on the hunt for a portable USB MIDI keyboard? The Akai MPK25 could be the perfect pick for you. We’re about to give you our Akai MPK25 review...
What Is A DAW In Music?
Are you here to learn what is a daw? Then you’ve come to the right place! This article is dedicated to providing you with all the necessary information that...
What Is A BPM Finder?
Whether you’re a singer, composer, conductor or musician you’ll be paying attention to the speed of the music, also known as the tempo. Song tempo is often...
Ghost Producers – How To Be A Ghost Producer
The work needed to produce a track can often be extensive. You need the right time, equipment and knowledge to successfully finish and release a song....
Drone Music Guide – What Is A Drone In Music?
Drone music is something that has existed for centuries. Drones have found their way into a grand array of different musical styles and genres across the...
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