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The Мusic Gateway Guide To – Recording Drums
Welcome to the Мusic Gateway Guide To, a series of how to’s on various different topics, this is a guide to Recording Drums. If you have any topics...
Creating Magic: The Songfinch Review
Are you tired of giving the same old gifts for special occasions? Flowers, chocolates, and gift cards can only go so far. If you really want to impress...
What Is A Stage Manager And What Are Their Responsibilities?
Stage managers play a vital role in bringing shows and music performances to life. They work hard behind the scenes and make up part of an essential team....
Logickeyboard’s New Reaper Shortcuts Keyboard – Review
Today I’m recapping my experience using Logickeyboard’s new Reaper shortcuts keyboard for my DAW of choice at home and in-studio. I’ll be detailing...
What Is A Trap Beat & How To Make One
Trap is a genre of music that, in recent years, has worked its way into many other genres. Various pop, hip-hop and rap artists and producers incorporate...
What is BeatStars?
BeatStars is an online music marketplace and distribution platform that allows musicians, producers and beat makers to sell, licence and distribute their...
Tone Production In African American Music
Today, we will look into the blue notes and tone production in African American music. There is so much rich history in these genres of music and you will...
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