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What Is Chicago Blues Music?
Chicago Blues is a genre of blues music that originated in Chicago, Illinois in the 1940s and 1950s. It is characterized by its electric guitar sound,...
What Is British Blues?
British Blues music emerged in the 1960s as a distinct genre that combined traditional American blues with elements of rock and roll. It was heavily...
What Is Blues Rock Music?
Blues rock music is a genre that combines elements of blues and rock music. It emerged in the 1960s and gained popularity in the 1970s. The genre was...
Best Alternative Rock Bands
Alternative rock is a genre of music that emerged in the 1980s as an alternative to mainstream rock music. It is characterized by its non-conformity to...
15 of the Best Hardcore Punk Bands of All Time
Hardcore punk is a subgenre of punk rock that’s famous for its aggressive, fast-paced sound and rebellious ethos. Over the years, a number of standout...
What Is Dark Blues Music?
The world of music is filled with diverse genres that cater to every taste and preference. Yet, amongst this vast array of sounds, few genres have the power...
How To Become A Game Journalist
Sometimes if we’re not in the mood to play something, or we want to suss out a game before we buy it, video game journalists come to our aid. This happens...
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