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What Are The Best Movie Scores Of All Time?
Movie scores can either make a scene stand out by being conspicuous, or inconspicuous. Without music in a film, the film would fall flat. A film score can...
Music For Commercials And Adverts
Making music for commercials follows a similar process to making music for the film. Submitting music to be used in a commercial is a busy cutthroat world...
Who Are eMusic?
There are so many music streaming platforms now available now. So how do you find the best one for your music palette? We are going to explore further...
Microfono Meaning In English
“Microfono” is the Italian and Spanish word for “microphone”. The term was coined in the late 19th century by the inventor David...
What is Electric Blues?
Electric Blues: The Evolution of a Genre Electric blues is a genre of music that emerged in the 1940s and 1950s, primarily in the United States. It is...
Idagio Review
Classical music streaming apps are important because they provide a convenient and accessible way for people to discover, listen to, and appreciate...
C Minor Chord Piano Example
Are you a piano player and are in the midst of learning all the chords? Learning piano can be challenging, but it is achievable with consistent practice and...
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