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SansAmp Plugin Review & Download
The Sansamp plugin is a revolutionary tool for music producers, allowing them to create unique and powerful sounds. It is a virtual version of the classic...
Profiling Country Singer Scotty Alexander
Scotty Alexander is a singer-songwriter from the United States who has been captivating audiences with his unique blend of country and pop music for over a...
YouTube Monetisation – How To Get Monetized On YouTube
So, how are musicians making money on YouTube and do you want to do this yourself? What are YouTube monetization rights and what are digital music...
The Best Computer For Music Production
If you’re a music producer wanting your first home recording studio setup, or maybe wanting something better ergonomically or for speed and CPU performance...
Ableton Live 10: Ableton Live Lite VS Full
Ableton Live has become the DAW of choice for many top songwriters and producers. Flume, Diplo, Skrillex and Deadmou5 are some of the biggest names in...
Music Games – Some Iconic Music Video Games
Music and games. Games and music. They have been entwined since the very start. Some theme songs and soundtracks are as iconic, if not more so than the...
R Drum Kits Review
R Drum Kits are a collection of drum samples and loops for use in music production. The kits contain a variety of sounds from classic drum machines,...
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