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The Best Free Sample Packs And How To Use Them
“Free Sample Packs,” you type into Google for the umpteenth time. You’re hoping things have changed and that the whole process might be just a little...
10 Things You Need To Know About Amazon Music
There are a lot of things to like about streaming from Amazon Music. As a must-have for those uploading music, the platform is also harnessing a growing...
Chatting With Topliner Tim Barnsley-Parfitt On His Collaborative Success!
We took some time to chat to topliner and songwriter Tim Barnsley-Parfitt about his latest collaborative projects found through Мusic Gateway! Tim shares...
Jihae: An ‘Illusion Of You’ and ‘Utopia’
Prolific musician-come-actress Jihae’s ‘Illusion Of You’ has now hit over 81,000 streams on Spotify! Jihae stars as the ethereal Phantom Lady in Altered...
What Is A Synthesizer And Why You Need One
What is a synthesizer? Well, without it, modern music as we know it just wouldn’t exist. Half of the greatest songs of the 1980s wouldn’t have happened (I...
Listen To The Music Lyrics
Who were The Doobie Brothers and what do we know about the single ‘Listen To The Music’? We will go into detail about this epic record, the song lyrics, and...
Music Makers Review
This article review will focus on the Music Maker by Magix – a leading software company that provides a wide range of digital media products and...
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