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Profiling Sonna Rele
Sonna Rele is a British singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist from London. She is best known for her soulful, emotive vocal performances, her unique...
Best 90s Bands
The 90s were a great decade for music, with a wide variety of genres and styles emerging. From the grunge sound of Nirvana to the pop-punk of Blink-182, the...
GetSound – A Complete Review
GetSound is an app designed to enhance your well-being, focus, and relaxation. It generates ambient music in real-time that is tailored to your current...
Best White Telecaster & Where To Buy One
As every guitarist knows, it is all about having the best instrument out there and one that carries a whole lot of history behind it. Some of the greats...
How To Write A Rock Song
Are you thinking about writing a rock song and need some advice on how to do it? Writing any song can be a daunting task, so we are here to give you all the...
Newport Music Hall
The Newport Music Hall is a renowned music venue located in Columbus, Ohio. Since its opening in 1985, the Newport Music Hall has hosted some of the biggest...
Simply Good Music From 2004
The music of 2004 was heavily influenced by the rise of digital music and the emergence of the internet as a major force for music distribution. We will...
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