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Why Is Stairway To Heaven The Forbidden Riff
The Stairway to Heaven riff is one of the most iconic and recognisable riffs in the history of rock and roll. It has been covered by countless bands and...
Music Conductor – What Exactly Does A Conductor Do?
Chances are that you’ll have encountered a music conductor or director in some context as a musician. Big bands, string quartets, rock choirs, and symphony...
Why Are Music Stems Important And How to Use Them
Have you heard the term Music Stems and are you familiar with them, or if you haven’t you might now be curious to find out more as they are used a lot in...
Arrangement In Music – What Is The Secret?
When it comes to songwriting, it is relatively easy to define what is involved. We all understand that songwriting is the culmination of lyrics, melody and...
What Is A Time Signature?
Baking soda. You know you need it, but you’re not always sure why. With music, time signatures can be the same. When you are in the studio creating music,...
Music Intervals: Our Music Theory 101
Intervals shape the music we listen to every day. The way a melody sounds and the structure of a chord are all dictated by music intervals. It’s not only...
Profiling Dave Bassett Songwriter
Do you know much about Dave Bassett? If the answer is no, you will after reading this article. As an accomplished songwriter who has worked with many...
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