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Chord Progressions & The Circle Of Fifths: The Ultimate Guide
Understanding and writing your own chord progressions is an important skill for both musicians and songwriters. Moreover, it’s important to listen to the...
Why Do I Like Sad Music?
Matters become all the more confusing when we consider that we actively seek out music that is considered ‘sad.’ If we are so bent on avoiding this negative...
The Music Zone: What Is It And How To Perform At Your Best
That place of total control, of peak performance. Elite sports stars know it. So do gamers, computer programmers, and of course, musicians. We know when...
What is Altered Scale in Music?
Altered scale is a type of musical scale that has been altered by adding or subtracting a note or two from the original scale. These altered scales are used...
The Best Vocal Coach & Singing Teacher In The UK
Are you looking for the best vocal coach and singing teacher in the UK? If so, you’ve come to the right place! In this article, we’ll be taking a look at...
What Is An A Major Scale
Welcome to this article on the A Major Scale! The A Major Scale is a musical scale that is used in many different styles of music, from classical to jazz to...
What Is Tone In Music
Music is a universal language that speaks to people of all ages and backgrounds. It can evoke emotion, create a mood, and even tell a story. But how does a...
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