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Sheet Music 101: Including Piano Sheet Music
You’ve probably seen plenty of sheet music symbols, such as different notes and clefs, but what actually is it? With a history nearly as old as the...
A Definitive Guide To Musical Instruments
If you are looking for a guide to musical instruments, their key features and the categories we use to distinguish them, you have come to the right place! I...
What is the Definition of Soundscape in Music?
The concept of soundscapes has been an integral part of music since the early 20th century when composers began to explore the potential of non-musical...
What Are Modes In Music?
In artistic terms, music modes are like different seasons. Now, you might be thinking, what does that even mean? Well in this article, we will learn about...
What Are Music Charts?
Whether you are an artist, label manager, A&R rep or music business entrepreneur, you will need to focus on what music charts are and how they work....
Guitar Tuning: A Beginner’s Guide
Wondering the best way to go about guitar tuning? Having played the guitar myself for nearly 13 years, I can, with full confidence, tell you that knowing...
What Is A Bridge In A Song?
The general structure of a great song usually includes a chorus, verse and bridge that are fused harmoniously together. The chorus often provides a platform...
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