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How Much Does TikTok Pay?
In this article, we will take a comprehensive look at TikTok. The video-sharing platform has managed to overtake social media icons such as Facebook and...
Buy Soundcloud Plays – The Pros & Cons
Wondering if you should buy Soundcloud plays? It’s a tough world out there for up-and-coming artists trying to make a name for themselves. There’s a lot of...
What Are Radio Pluggers?
Radio pluggers are people who work to get music played on the radio. They work with radio stations and DJs to promote and plug songs, albums, and artists....
Band Promotion – How To Get Noticed
Television shows like The X Factor might have given us unrealistic expectations about what it takes to be famous. You might be tempted to assume that music...
Stage Presence – How To Give Yourself To The Audience
You can be the most talented artist in the world, have insane vocals and write killer lyrics, but if you don’t have the stage presence to show these skills...
Music Investors – How To Secure Investment For Your Career
Making money as a musician can come in a variety of forms, ranging from sales of your music through to potential brand endorsements as you start to grow....
Nostalgia Marketing – Guardians of the Galaxy Awesome Mix Vol. 1
It’s hard to stand out in the music world. However, as original as you might be, there is probably someone who sounds exactly like you who has done it...
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