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Music Promotion

How Can I Promote My Business On Facebook?

Photograph of the blog post author, Mari Gikaru

Mari Gikaru


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Facebook is arguably the largest social media platform in the world today. With 2.7 billion current users, it certainly has the widest reach among the major social media platforms. Countless businesses have grown and blossomed, and even elections won through using the platform. So, as an artist, how can you take advantage of Facebook’s reach and influence? In this article, I will take you through how to promote your business on Facebook. This will include what features Facebook offers for artists, and how to utilise the platform. 

How Can I Promote My Business On Facebook

How Can I Promote My Business On Facebook? 

Before we can answer how to promote your business on Facebook, we must look at why you should!

The golden age of social media has dawned. This has provided tons of possibilities for artists, and Facebook is at the centre of it. In the past, artists needed investment to advertise and promote their music through traditional media platforms. Now, social media has opened doors for artists to reach a global audience without leaving their own homes.  

Facebook has designed features for artists to help them navigate how to promote their business on Facebook, and get the world to hear their music. The best part is that you can access its vast resources for free. There are also paid options to achieve a greater reach. Not only that, Facebook is a great place to connect with old, new, and potential fans, and network with other artists and music industry players. It is also a great place to discover new opportunities for your artistry!

How Can I Promote My Business On Facebook In Different Ways?

As with every social media platform, you need to know and understand Facebook’s features to use them effectively. You can post content in the form of texts, emojis, pictures, GIFs, videos, music (from Facebook’s library), live streams, and external links. Facebook also allows you to create posts while indicating the mood or activity that best fits the post. You can tag other people or pages in your posts, and add locations/venues through the ‘Check in’ feature. For more private and personalised interactions, there is the ‘Messenger’ app. This allows you to send one-on-one messages to other individuals or pages. You can also interact with other people’s content through liking, commenting on, and sharing their posts. 

Basic Facebook Features & Best Practices 

How Can I Promote My Business On Facebook

Facebook, like all other social media platforms, is an interactive platform. Its algorithms favour engagement. The more engaged you are with content on the platform, the higher your profile/page is prioritised. It also prioritises engaging content. So, the more people engage with your post, the higher the post will feature on people’s timelines. To reach a wider audience on Facebook, being as active as possible will work in your favour. Posting regularly and engaging with other content will have you placed higher in the platform’s algorithms. Due to this, you will most likely reach more people. 

When creating and posting content on the platform, it is good practice to vary your posts using the different types of content mentioned above. Facebook’s algorithm favours picture, GIF, and video content more. Therefore, posting them more frequently would likely result in higher engagement. Ideally, a mix of the different forms of content would work well in a post. For example, a picture post with text describing what the picture is about along with emojis will rank higher than a plain picture or text. 

How Can I Promote My Business On Facebook Further?

Using Facebook features such as tagging, check-ins, hashtags, and stories while posting is also likely to drive more engagement towards your content. It is a good idea to tag relevant people in a post, say in a photo or video in which they feature in. Check ins can be added to a regular post indicating where you are/were. Photos and videos tagging a venue or location are likely to reach those looking for that venue on Facebook, thus achieving a wider reach. Using popular hashtags in a relevant post could also help reach those engaging with that hashtag.

Facebook stories are a feature that display content for a few seconds at a time. These stories disappear after 24 hour, and work like Instagram stories. Stories are a good way of updating your audience and reaching more people with your content. When creating a post, you can add it to your story, or your timeline, or both. Stories are a quick and easy example of how to promote your business on Facebook.

How Can I Promote My Business On Facebook?

Using A Facebook Musician/Band Page 

How Can I Promote My Business On Facebook

Other than using your default Facebook profile, pages are one of the features customised for businesses and brands that one can use. Pages allow you to access additional tools to help promote your brand or product. For artists, creating a musician/band page is the best way to gain success in music marketing on Facebook. A page helps you distinguish your personal interactions from those of your brand. Through this, you can discover fans among your friends, family, and acquaintances. 

If you do not have a page, it is quick and easy to create. Just click on the pages section in your profile menu, then select the create page option. On the page type section, select ‘Musician/Band’ and fill out the required information, then click ‘create page’. Once it is set up, you can add a profile photo and cover photo. Then, you can invite friends to like the page. Now you can post, like, comment, and share as your artist brand on Facebook. Below are some page features you can use to promote your music and optimise your brand’s presence on Facebook. 

Facebook Handle

You can customise your page’s username (which takes the format @artistname) so that it is easier for people to find your page in search results on Facebook. Once you create a username, you can customise your page’s URL making it easier to share (in the format 

Page Story

Page stories are a great example of how to promote your business on Facebook. They are a way to reach more people with your content, since they appear at the top of people’s timelines. Stories work best when sharing photos, GIFs, or short clips (of about 15 seconds). I will discuss below how you can add music to your story. 

Page Buttons

One exciting page feature is the page button. It allows you to add a call-to-action button at the top of your page that encourages more interaction with your brand and music. You can choose which call to action works best for your page from several options including ‘Shop Now’, ‘Watch Video’, ‘Send Message’, ‘Sign Up’ among others. Some of the options allow you to add an external link that will lead people to the site you choose, say to your website or to your music in a streaming service or an online music store. 

Publishing Tools & Creator Studio  

Pages have a different array of tools that give you more control over your posts. These can be found in the ‘publishing tools’ section of your page. You can schedule posts, cross-post videos on different pages and create playlists for your videos, among other functions. Under this section, there is also the ‘Creator Studio’, which allows you to manage your page posts better. An interesting functionality available in Creator Studio is the option to sync your Instagram handle to your Facebook page and post to both simultaneously from there. 


One of the perks of having a page is having access to insights on how your page and posts are performing. You can see how many people your posts are reaching, the demographics of your audience, and compare the performance of your page with others on Facebook. You can use this information to know who is engaging most with your music and build your fanbase. 


Tabs are used to categorise the content on a page to help visitors quickly find what they are looking for. On your page, you can add, edit, remove, and arrange tabs depending on what content you want to prioritise. You can also generate tabs that integrate your music from supported music streaming services such as Soundcloud or YouTube. This can be done through third party apps such as YouTube Tab for Facebook or Static HTML

Videos – Facebook Watch 

gig promote your music on facebook

Videos are a great way of keeping your audience engaged on Facebook. One of the benefits of posting video content on your page is the likelihood of being featured on the Facebook Watch newsfeed. Facebook Watch is the platform’s video-on-demand service. The higher levels of engagement a video has, the more likely it is to be featured. Facebook encourages videos of around 3 minutes and upwards. Remember to add an appropriate title and tags to optimise visibility of your videos to the appropriate audience. 

Going Live 

Going live is all the rage right now, and Facebook is in on the action. Whether you are going live for a performance or to give an interesting update to your audience, it is worth getting into. Posting live streams on your page could also get the streams featured on the newsfeed  for the live stream section of Facebook Watch. 


Groups are one effective way of interacting with like-minded people on Facebook. They are also a good place to reach a wider audience for your music beyond your immediate circles. By looking for and joining groups relevant to your artist brand, you can discover new fans, create new music industry connections, and create more engagement for your music content. You can join groups either as your profile or as your page (for some groups). 


Whenever you have a live performance event scheduled, it is a good idea to create a Facebook event to promote it. If the venue or organisers have created one, encourage them to tag you. Facebook events increase the visibility of the pages/brands that are tagged in them, especially because events are boosted by Facebook’s algorithm to reach audiences within the locality of the venue. You can invite friends to attend the event (and they could invite their friends too) leading to a greater reach. You can also add links to your music in  the description section to allow new visitors discover it. 

How Can I Promote My Business On Facebook Further?

How To Add Music To Facebook Profile

How Can I Promote My Business On Facebook

How To Put Your Music On A Facebook Page? 

Have you ever asked yourself ‘how can I put a song on my facebook profile’? Facebook has a collection of music in its library that users can listen to and share on the platform. As an artist, you can get your music on there through your label or distributor. Once your music is added to Facebook’s library, you can share it to your story through the Facebook app on your phone. Login and click ‘+add to story’ then select music at the top of the screen. Search for the song and artist name and click on the song. You can select the 15- second portion you want to play, then tap done and click ‘Share to story’. Similarly, you can add your songs to photos and clips on your stories and encourage your fans to do the same. 

You can also add your music to your Facebook profile so that it appears in the about section. To do this, open the Facebook app on your phone and go to your profile. Scroll down to ‘Music’ right next to ‘Photos’ and ‘Life Events’ cards then select it. Click on the ‘+’ sign at the  top right corner and search for the song you want. You can add all the songs you want to appear on your profile. Also, you can pin your favourite one between your name and profile picture by clicking on the three dots next to the song and selecting ‘Pin to your profile’.

Facebook Ads 

Facebook ads give your content that added boost it needs to reach new audiences that you would otherwise not reach through regular posting. They are a great way to promote your latest single/album release, upcoming tour, and grow your brand’s online presence through Facebook. Not only do Facebook ads help you reach a wider audience, they allow you to  target audiences of a specific demographic that are more likely to engage with your content. This can work wonders for your music, including driving increased streams and sales. Ads are cost-effective and allow you to spend as little or as much as you like. They also allow you the flexibility to try out different approaches to find out what works best for you. 

How Can I Promote My Business On Facebook & Music Gateway

By becoming a member of Music Gateway, you will have access our extensive range of music marketing services tailored to your needs. We are experts in terms of digital marketing on Facebook, Inst and TikTok.

We deliver targeted advertising campaigns that engage targeted audiences across Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, Instagram & Snapchat.

We can help build your brand profile and social media following, as well as drive traffic through to platforms like Spotify, Apple Music & YouTube.

Our established network of TikTok influencers helps us create authentic, data-driven influencer campaigns to drive targeted engagement, streams and organic traction through TikTok’s platform.

How Can I Promote My Business On Facebook – Summary

How Can I Promote My Business On Facebook

As with promoting your music on any social media platform, you need to be consistent and understand your audience while sharing your musical content on Facebook. To make the most of your experience, there are some general practices that are good to follow. A good example is to use smart urls to share external links instead of full length links. It is also a good idea to familiarise yourself with Facebook’s policies and avoid frowned upon practices such as spamming. 

Facebook is a great platform to help promote your music and grow your artist brand. The possibilities for your music are endless when using its features correctly and following the best practices. Make sure to take advantage of the variety of tools it offers for musicians to make the best of your presence on the platform. We hope you enjoyed our guide on how to promote your business on Facebook!

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