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Who Are Blackbrick Audio?
Blackbrick Audio is a renowned audio engineering company that has been providing top-notch sound solutions to musicians and studios for over a decade. With...
The Best Female Producers In The Game
Female music producers have been breaking barriers and making significant contributions to the music industry for decades. Despite facing challenges and...
ADSR Envelope In Music Explained
ADSR envelopes allow producers to have flexibility over certain aspects of a song. However, understanding what the ADSR envelope is can be tasking, never...
Reference Tracks And How To Use Them
If you’ve ever worked with a producer or in a commercial studio setting, you have probably heard the term ‘Reference Track’ as a way of defining some...
Best JP-8000 Emulation
First of all, let’s just tell you a little about the JP-8000 emulation original keyword synth. About The JP-8000 Emulation The JP-8000 is a synthesizer...
Best Rack Mount Audio Interface
When it comes to recording and producing music, having the right audio interface is essential. Rack mount audio interfaces are the perfect choice for...
UB 707 Band – Who Are They?
Have you heard about the UB 707 Band? They performed around the Bay Area for over a decade of entertainment. We’ll tell you more about who they are and...
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