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Roland’s 50th Anniversary Concept Model – Roland Digital Piano Review
Roland’s digital piano keyboards have a long standing reputation within the music industry for demonstrating consistent innovation in their designs. Founded...
How Are Guitars Made?
Ever wondered how guitars are made? And how does the process differ between making electric and acoustic guitars? Are they made in a factory and what type...
The Best Recording Studios In Dublin
Are you looking for a recording studio in Dublin but want the best of the best? There are quite a few that you can use to record your next single or album....
What Is A Cue Sheet And How To Create One
Cue Sheets. What is the definition of a cue sheet and how do they relate to soundtrack marketing and distribution? Why do you need to know why they are...
PRS For Music – Record Breaking Distribution for October 2022
PRS is one of the leading organizations in music distribution in the UK and now they have been receiving record levels of money from broadcasters, which of...
The 10 Best Synthesizers
Synthesizers have been real game changers in the music industry and more artists are using them as part of making music. People can make music from their...
Yamaha DX1 : The Greatest Synthesizer Of All Time
Are you looking to find out more about the Yamaha DX1 features and what makes it such a special synthesizer? Do you want to know the Yamaha DX1 price and...
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