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What Does EQ Mean in Music?
The EQ [Equalizer] is one of the most used tools in the mixing toolbox. It can be confusing and maybe even daunting if you are new to music production or...
Serum VST Plugin: A Complete Review
Heard of Xfer’s Serum VST plugin but want to know more about it before you invest your hard-earned cash? Here’s a complete guide and review for...
PreSonus Studio One – A Beginners Guide
For those that aren’t aware, Digital Audio Workstations (or DAWs) are essentially a piece of software which enable users to record, edit and produce music...
The Best Free Sample Packs And How To Use Them
“Free Sample Packs,” you type into Google for the umpteenth time. You’re hoping things have changed and that the whole process might be just a little...
How Do I Find My Music Niche?
Whenever I am asked the question ‘so what sort of music are you into?’ I always find myself coming up a little blank. I could look at my music library, at...
The Best Country Music Singers
Country music singers have been around for a long time and the genre of music is still thriving today. And for good reason. There is so much positivity and...
How To Become A Rapper
Do you want to know how to become famous rapper? Do you have the talent and the drive but not much money? Then you have come to the right place! Rap music...
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