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Best Recording Studio Chair On The Market
Having a comfortable recording studio chair is essential for any recording artist. Not only does it help with posture and comfort, but it also helps to keep...
What Is A Reamp Box & Where To Buy?
A reamp box is a device used to convert an already recorded signal from a line level to a guitar level. This allows the signal to be sent to a guitar...
Logic Pro X – A Complete Review & Comparison Guide
In 2013, Apple unveiled the latest iteration of its professional recording software, Logic Pro X. The X (pronounced ‘ten’ as with all things...
A History of Americana Music
Americana music is a genre of roots music that combines elements of folk, country, blues, rock, and other styles. It is a distinct style of music that is...
AI Generated Music – The Future Of The Fall Of Creativity?
AI generated music is created using artificial intelligence technology. This type of music is created using algorithms and computer programs that can...
Create The Best Home Recording Studio: Everything You Need
There is something wonderful about owning your own home recording studio. You can wake up in the middle of the night with a flash of inspiration for your...
Music Frequency & EQ
Part four in series – Production blogs for beginners and industry members who want to learn a bit more about the world of music production. This post...
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