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What Are The Most Popular Signature Guitars?
There’s a lot of ground to cover in the breadth of this article, today we are focusing on what we call a signature guitar, and we cannot wait to get...
How To Become A Film Composer
Consider this article the ultimate guide on how to become a film composer. We will explore what a film composer does, the process of composing a film, how...
What Are Stems In Production & Why Are They Useful?
If you’re already producing like a pro, then you’ve probably already heard of stems. Maybe you have been using them in software for a while. But what’s the...
What Does A Pop Filter Do?
You will have heard microphones making loud popping or banging sounds, unlike when we hear people speak normally and you’re probably wondering how we can...
What Is A Set List and How Do I Make One For A Concert?
One of the toughest things about being a performer is that unless you come from a genre that’s conventional in academia, (particularly classical or opera),...
Behringer X32 Review – Is It Worth The Hype?
The company Behringer is well-known for creating professional audio equipment for musicians and producers. Their Behringer X32 producer is seriously high...
Best Noise Gate Pedal For Guitars
If the coronavirus pandemic has given you plenty of free time to create music, then you’re not alone. While some musicians have struggled to create, others...
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