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SiriusXM – Is SiriusXM Worth It?
Some readers may be incredibly familiar with SiriusXM, whilst others have perhaps never even heard of it, let alone have any clue what it is. If you fall...
How To Make An Album On SoundCloud
SoundCloud is a popular music streaming platform that millions of people worldwide visit on a monthly basis. It is one of the top places to find original...
6000+ Cinematic Sound Effects & Where to Buy It
6000+ Cinematic SFX: 6000+ Cinematic SFX is a collection of sound effects designed to be used in film, television, and other audio/visual media. The library...
Free Slick HDR VST Download
This article will break down what a Slick HDR VST is designed for and how useful it is. What is Slick HDR VST? The Slick HDR VST is a high-dynamic range...
RNB Serum Presets & Where To Buy Them
RNB Serum Presets are sound banks created for the popular music production software, Serum. These presets contain a variety of sounds and instrument patches...
Free CY Freemoog Download
The CY Freemoog is a free virtual synthesizer. It features three oscillators with classic waveforms, two filters, two envelopes, and an arpeggiator. The...
What are Arpeggios in Music?
An arpeggio is a fundamental musical technique that involves playing the notes of a chord in a specific order. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced...
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