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Brand Sponsorships – What Are They And Why Are They Important?
From the start of the 20th Century, musicians have managed multiple income streams to build a picture of a full income. Initially, it was just a case of...
Jazz Fusion – What Exactly Is This Is?
As a musician, you might be wondering what is jazz fusion and what does jazz fusion sound like? Jazz fusion is music that incorporates elements of jazz with...
The Best Music Festivals In Europe
Are you an avid music festival-goer? If the answer is yes, then you’ve found the article for you! Although the Covid-19 pandemic is still ongoing, music...
Akai MPK25 Review – Is It Any Good?
Are you on the hunt for a portable USB MIDI keyboard? The Akai MPK25 could be the perfect pick for you. We’re about to give you our Akai MPK25 review...
A Guide on How to Improve Reach and SEO on Spotify
Are you wondering how to get Spotify plays? Look no further as we are about to reveal all you need to know about improving your reach and SEO on...
UK Festivals: The Best Festivals In The UK!
Do you also want to know what the best uk festivals are month by month? It’s all here and by the end of this article you’ll be buying tickets...
What Is A DAW In Music?
Are you here to learn what is a daw? Then you’ve come to the right place! This article is dedicated to providing you with all the necessary information that...
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