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Concord Music Hall Review
Welcome to our review of Concord Music Hall in Chicago. This popular venue has been around for over a decade and has seen some of the biggest names in music...
What Is Indie Music?
If you’re an indie artist wanting to make your way in the music scene, first of all, its best to understand ‘what is indie music’? Then, you must consider...
What Is A Digipak & How Can I Make One?
Digipak CDs are used by artists and labels around the world to offer fans a limited-edition product, but what are they? Simply, CD digipaks are a printed...
Is Taylor Swift On Spotify?
Last night, as I’m sure most people have heard, Taylor Swift was the latest artist to grab headlines after removing her entire catalogue off Spotify whilst...
How To Make A Song
Creating a song from scratch can be an incredibly rewarding experience. Whether you’re an experienced musician or just starting out, making a song is an art...
Hyperpop Drum Loops Review
This article review will explore the Hyperpop Drum Loops download, a collection of high-quality drum loops for producers and musicians. The download...
Cultural Appropriation In Music
In recent years you might have heard the phrase ‘cultural appropriation’. If you don’t know what it is, it is not something new. It has probably been around...
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