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Profiling APM Music Production Music Review
Are you looking for a music production and licensing company that can help you find music for your next film or tv series? We will be talking about APM...
The Best Sacramento Record Stores
Sacramento is home to a number of great record stores. These stores range from independent to chain stores and offer a wide variety of music, both new and...
Which Singer Has The Most Octaves? Singers With A 6 Octave Range
Being able to vocalise from very low to very high is certainly beneficial, but which singer has the most octaves of them all? You might just be surprised to...
What Is A Hook In A Song?
So, what is a hook in music? A short hook definition in music is a memorable passage, phrase, or riff within a song. Hooks are used in popular genres such...
MyTuner Radio – Review
Are you sick and tired of manually searching for your favourite radio station? Or only being able to access one radio station at a time? MyTuner...
Contact Capitol Studios and Send Us Your demo!
Submission details for Capitol Music Group To submit your music for Capitol Records – the flagship label of Capitol Music Group – you can...
The Best Boy Bands
Boy bands! We all know about them and who we would class as our favorite, but are they all on our list and what makes a great boy band? We are going to list...
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