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How To Be A DJ For Beginners
In this article, we will provide a beginner’s guide to becoming a DJ. Whether you’re interested in playing at parties, or clubs, or even...
What Are Split Sheets For Music?
Did you know that you could be missing out on music publishing royalties if you are not using split sheets? But, what is a music split sheet and why do you...
Musical U Review: A Musician’s Guide
Online resources have become the way many of us get into learning musical instruments. They can vary from learning a riff from your favorite AC/DC song to...
10 of the Best Keyboard Players of All Time
It’s time for the very best keyboard players in music history to step out from the shadows and take their turn in the Мusic Gateway spotlight! These...
How To Create A YouTube Artist Channel
There are two main reasons behind every artist’s wish of having a verified Youtube Artist channel. The first is social approval and the sense that...
Profiling Music Table
Music Table is a vibrant online platform that has taken the Jewish music world by storm. This website is a one-stop shop for all things Jewish music,...
How To Plan A Music Tour
Want to know how to plan a music tour? It’s no coincidence that most musicians list touring as their favourite part of the job. Touring allows you to...
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