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Apple Music Review – How Does Apple Music Work?
The rise in connectivity and internet speeds around the world has changed the way we consume music on devices over time. Over the past two decades,...
Guitar Maintenance: A Guide To The Best Guitar Care
Strumming a guitar is only fun if it sounds good. How do we make a guitar sound good you ask? By keeping up with guitar maintenance. While polishing your...
The Ultimate Guide to Zoom Alternatives for Musicians
Video conferencing over the Internet has spread into pretty much every industry and every household. From business meetings to photoshoots. Words and...
The Best Music Colleges In The US
So, how can you make money and be successful within the music industry? That is the number one question that I hear when talking to young songwriters,...
Tips For Emerging Artists
Are you an emerging artist looking for ways to make your mark in the art world? If so, you’ve come to the right place. This article will provide you with...
Artist Rider: What Are Artist Riders And Why Do You Need Them?
So, what exactly is a rider in music? Artist riders by major celebrities have been known to include wild demands. Beyoncé’s 2013 ‘The Mrs. Carter Tour’...
10 of The Best Music Videos of All Time
Despite being made to promote and showcase artists, music videos before Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” were quite simple. Videos usually entailed bands...
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