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Spotify LUFS: Everything You Need To Know About LUFS For Spotify
It was once thought the louder a song, the better it is. In the current day, that is far from the truth. Getting the perfect balance is key for producing a...
What is a Featured Artist? How to Feature an Artist for Your Song
Some of our favourite songs have been collaborations. What would ‘American Boy’ be without Kanye West? Or Kanye West’s ‘Monster’ without Nicki Minaj?...
Top 10 Blockchain Music Companies Reshaping The Industry
The music business can sometimes seem monolithic but over the last couple decades, we have seen more innovation since Napster. Depending on who you ask,...
What Do I Need To Start A Band?
Playing in a band can be one of the most rewarding experiences for any musician. As part of a band, you finally get to apply your skills to a group setting....
DIY Pedalboard – How To You Build Your Own
Every electric guitar player in this day and age could benefit from a pedalboard. Pedals are a great way to explore new sounds and textures to help you find...
Tube Amp vs Solid State
The tube amp vs solid state debate has been going on for years. If you play an electric instrument, particularly guitar, electric piano, keyboards or pedal...
10 Inspiring LGBTQ+ People Of Color In Music
LGBTQ+ people of color have a solid part to play in the music industry. With creativity often blooming with oppression, LGBTQ+ POC have lots to offer! In...
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