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What Is Lo Fi Music?
Music has taken on a greater significance since the global pandemic started. Many people in self-isolation have turned to music for comfort. Maybe you have...
How To Make A Sound On TikTok
If you haven’t heard of TikTok, then you have probably been living under a rock. TikTok (formerly known as is the latest social media app...
Bass Line: What Is A Bass Line In Music?
Welcome to our full guide on how to write a bass line in music, for your productions. Based on what has been produced back in the day! Just look over at any...
Best Free Drum Kits For Download
A drum kit or a drum set is a set of percussion instruments, mainly different types of drums and cymbals. In popular music, a range of musicians uses drums....
AWAL Music: The Most Comprehensive Guide On The Internet
The internet has changed the way we listen to and play music. Musicians no longer have to rely on being scouted by a major music label. Nowadays, it’s...
Fretless Bass – What Is It And Why Should You Play It?
In this article, we will explore the fretless bass guitar, its sound, history, and what makes it unique. In my career as an international session player, I...
Artist Rider: What Are Artist Riders And Why Do You Need Them?
So, what exactly is a rider in music? Artist riders by major celebrities have been known to include wild demands. Beyoncé’s 2013 ‘The Mrs. Carter Tour’...
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