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Audio Cables – How To Use Them
Audio Cables – How To Use Them & Where Best To Buy Them Audio cables have the power to record the crisp and loud sound that you are after,...
Mastering Music – Everything You Need To Know
What is music mastering? In the audio-production world, music masters is often perceived as this elusive, mysterious audio magic where your tracks get sent...
How To Find A Music Producer For Your Song
So, you have written a song and it is amazing (of course)… now what? Chances are that you are looking for a music producer to work with, who can turn...
What Is A Music Ballad & How Do I Write One?
If you have heard a ballad, you instantly think of songs with lovestruck melodies from popular performing artists such as The Righteous Brothers, Elvis...
The Best Sound Mixers
Sound mixers, sometimes known as recording consoles, digital mixers, or mixing boards, a key piece of equipment for many artists, producers, and recording...
Electric Vs Acoustic Guitar – Our Guide
If you’ve decided to learn guitar then congratulations! You’ve made an excellent decision that will bring you years of happiness as a musician (and some...
How To Finance Movies: Film Financing For Filmmakers
If you clicked on this article, I bet you’ve asked yourself: ‘Where does film financing and funding come from?’ or ‘How are movies...
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