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Best Vocal Warm Ups For Singers
As any singer knows, you need to really warm up those muscles to give your best performance. I’m sure you have heard of these before, but some maybe you...
What Is A&R – And How Can They Help You?
As an artist, have you ever wondered how new emerging talent gets picked up or are you looking for a creative job where you think you have the knack of...
The Best Music Venues In London
Hello avid music fans! Isn’t the best thing to go and see live music and haven’t you always wondered where to go in this crazy city? I wanted to include...
Black Female Musicians: Celebrating Women of Colour in Music
How do you even begin to write an article about the best black female musicians in the business, past or present? The contribution to music by some of these...
The Best Recording Studios In Dublin
Are you looking for a recording studio in Dublin but want the best of the best? There are quite a few that you can use to record your next single or album....
How To Promote Your Music on Instagram
Over the past 10 years, Instagram has become a vital platform and an important tool in the artist’s toolbox. It has now surpassed Facebook in...
What Is A Cue Sheet And How To Create One
Cue Sheets. What is the definition of a cue sheet and how do they relate to soundtrack marketing and distribution? Why do you need to know why they are...
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