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Free Filtatron Instructions PDF Download
The Filtatron PDF instructions will give you a comprehensive guide to using the Filtatron, a free digital audio filter and effects processor for iOS...
How Indie Radio Stations can get you Quality Airplay
A few months ago, I was listening to a radio show that was supposed to play a specific song by a dear friend of mine. Unfortunately, the majority of us were...
Important Things To Remember Prior To Getting Tracks Played On National Radio
There are so many things to take into account before even considering to send music to big radio stations. i It is essential that artists are reminded that...
Free Pedalboard2 VST Host Download
The Pedalboard2 VST Host is a free virtual audio plugin host for Windows and Mac by Niall Moody. It is designed to provide guitarists and bassists with an...
Radio Pluggers Review – Is It Worth It?
Getting your music played on the radio may seem near as impossible for an upcoming independent artist. Gone are the days of when you could wait outside...
How To Get Your Music On Pandora Radio
As an artist/band, we understand how vital it is for you to get your music out into the world. Music distribution helps to grow your fan base and following,...
The Ultimate Guide To How To Become A Radio Host
Becoming a radio host is a sought-after profession for music lovers the world over. But how can you get your foot in the door and what skills do you need...
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