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EmuBands Review – Is EmuBands Distribution Any Good?
As a musician, choosing a distributor can be challenging. Finding the right one for you is imperative with so much banking on them. EmuBands is a superb...
How To Send A Demo Tape To Record Labels
Despite the growing trend of artists and producers self-releasing their music, and demo tape, and remaining independent, record labels still wield a lot of...
How To Find A Music Manager: Everything You Need To Know
Success in the music business is a hard thing to achieve. Most artists or bands that have a sustainable career in music do so with the help of a manager. In...
LGBTQ Artists And The Community
Pride is such an important part of the year as it gives us all a chance to come together and celebrate the LGBTQ+ community. Pride means a lot of different...
The Best Gaming Chairs Ranked In 2020
When it comes to gaming, there’s a lot of things to consider. What do you want, PC or a console? Should I get a cheap headset, or an expensive one? We find...
What is The Best Gaming Mouse Out There?
Are you a geek when it comes to gaming? Or are you just a casual gamer? Maybe even a professional gamer or an up-and-coming streamer. Whichever you are, a...
Todd In The Hole Festival
Todd in the Hole Festival is an annual music and arts festival held in Stevenage, England. The festival is a popular choice for music-loving families and...
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