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Best Songs About Animals
The world of music is full of amazing songs about animals, from classic rock to modern pop. From the iconic “Old MacDonald Had a Farm” to the...
Best Calypso Music Ever
Calypso music is a style of Caribbean music that has captivated audiences around the world for generations. It is a musical style that combines elements of...
Best Throwback Songs Ever Released
Are you ready to take a trip down memory lane? From the classic hits of the ’90s to the chart-topping bops of the 2000s, we’re about to explore...
Beacock Music Review
This article review looks at Beacock Music, a music store that has been in business for over 75 years. We will discuss the history of the store, its...
Our Pick Of The Best Bad Bunny Songs
Since the 2018 release of his breakthrough album, “X 100pre”, it’s fair to say that Bad Bunny’s infectious blend of reggaeton, trap,...
Apple Music for Artists: Maximise Your Potential
Apple Music has introduced a new program that is set to create and feature a lot more music from independent artists. Apple Music for Artists was created to...
Profiling Essential Music Publishing
Who Are Essential Music Publishing? Essential Music Publishing, LLC is a music publishing company founded in 2008 by music industry veterans, Larry Mestel...
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