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Sound On Sound Festival – Our Review
What Is The Sound On Sound Festival? The Sound On Sound Festival is an annual music and arts festival held in Austin, Texas. The festival features a variety...
Best Ever Wedding Dance Songs
Have you ever been to a wedding and wanted to know what the track was that you danced all night to, or are maybe thinking what are the best wedding dance...
Who Is DJ Diesel?
DJ Diesel, otherwise known as Shaquille O’Neal, is a renowned basketball player, actor, and now, a music producer. With his larger-than-life...
What Are The Best J Pop Songs?
Have you heard of J-pop and want to find out the best J-pop songs to listen to right now? Then we have the best article for you, as we will be discussing...
What Is A Top Liner? Topliners & Topline Meaning Explained
You may have heard this word floating around in the music industry: Topline. But what is a topline, how can you start toplining and become a topline writer?...
Music Intervals: Our Music Theory 101
Intervals shape the music we listen to every day. The way a melody sounds and the structure of a chord are all dictated by music intervals. It’s not only...
What Is Vocal Coaching?
For every singer, whether professional or just starting out, having lessons with a singing teacher or vocal coach is super important! But how do you decide...
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