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3 Best 808 VST Plugins
If you’re looking for the best 808 VST plugins for your music production, then you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll be...
Akai Mpc 3000 Review
The Akai MPC 3000 is a classic piece of music production equipment that has been used by some of the biggest names in the music industry. This review will...
What Are Acoustics
Acoustics is the science of sound and its effects on our environment. It is the study of how sound is produced, transmitted, and received. Acoustics plays...
What Are The Best Spotify Playlists
Spotify playlists are one of the best ways to get more exposure for your music and it is a very simple process to submit your music to one. But what are the...
Profiling The Pulse Music Board
Are you on the lookout for a board for music and music charts discussions, and want to discuss the new release from your favorite band? Then you have come...
Explore Our Free Music Tools
There have been tons of exciting additions to the Мusic Gateway website – including helpful new music tools for artists. With both fun and practical...
Agogo Bells – What Are They And Where To Buy Them
Agogo Bells are percussion instruments that are used as a rhythmic accompaniment in music. We will give you the lowdown on the instrument’s history,...
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