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Profiling Marcus Gad
Marcus hails from the multicultural lands of New Caledonia; a French island in the South-West Pacific Ocean and embodies a spiritual movement of soul music...
Profiling Cameron Sanderson
Cameron Sanderson is a London musician who began his career on YouTube, posting original content & covers. He built his fanbase entirely from scratch...
Analog or Digital Amps – Which Is Better?
There has been much debate between guitarists regarding the common uses of amplification. Which is better to use? Analogue amplifiers or digital amp...
Retitling – How Do You Re-title Your Music?
This blog is the 4th in the series following on from Music Metadata for Sync, Mixing and Mastering and Music Rights this blog will tell you all you need to...
Ableton VS Logic Pro X: What’s The Difference?
These days, the vast majority of recording and music production is done using computers – and why not? Despite a growing consensus that analogue...
Profiling MTS Music Michael Stover on The Music Industry
Award-winning songwriter, artist, and producer Michael Stover has had an incredible journey across the music industry. Having managed a DJ company and...
Profiling Richard Wisker
Celebrate New Artist Richard Wisker After His Acting Success Richard Wisker transverses his journey across the creative industries, evolving from a...
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