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The Best Music Video Distribution Companies
Music video distribution is one of the main forms of revenue for artists to benefit from their music financially. However, since the internet came along,...
Profiling Nick Long Songwriter
Nick Long is an up-and-coming songwriter who has been making waves in the music industry. His unique style of songwriting, which combines elements of folk,...
Beatmaker 3 Review
Beatmaker 3 is an innovative music creation app for iOS devices that allows users to create and mix their own beats and tracks. It features a complete set...
What Is A Flexatone & Where To Buy
The flexatone is a unique and versatile percussion instrument. It is used in a variety of musical genres, from jazz to classical. It is a small,...
Best Website Builder For Musicians
Do you really need a website for your music? With Facebook, YouTube, and all the musician-specific social networks out there, you might think that your own...
Profiling Lumbre Music
Ramón Ruiz and Alex Guerra, two of the highest-earning Latina musical artists, established LUMBRE MUSIC on 26th May 2019. This channel is devoted to...
Free Driftmaker VST Download
Driftmaker VST is a virtual instrument plugin for music producers and sound designers. It is designed to create unique and organic sounds by bringing...
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