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Choosing The Best Modeling AMP
Modeling Amps (the use of technology to digitally re-create amps rather than plugging into the real thing) is a fairly controversial, but growing,...
What Is Roots Music?
The term “roots music” is now used to refer to this broad range of musical genres, which include blues, gospel, traditional country, zydeco,...
Vintage Synth Guide: The Best Vintage Synths In The World
The music industry is constantly changing and adapting, with new and innovative sound design coming out every month. The creative minds in music are truly...
Profiling Rie Sinclair
We spoke to Rie Sinclair, the Syncable songstress and producer talks to us about how she got into the music industry. The importance of Sync and offers...
Ableton Live – What Is It And Is It Worth It?
Ableton Live is one of the most popular but complicated DAW (Digital Audio Workstations) to use. The learning curve can be quite hard but once you progress...
Featuring The Best Chicago Music Producers
Here’s a great list of the Chicago music producers top producers in the Chicago area and featured below is a highlight of our top five production...
Music Rights – The Ultimate Guide
Following the release of our Sync Portal, we are providing members with a series of blog posts to encourage you to get Sync ready. This blog is the 3rd in...
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