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Music In Play: The USA’s Best Music Booking Agents For Indie Bands
Our friends at the Music Development Agency have given us the rundown of some of the best booking agents for indie bands looking to put on a great old gig...
Bros Documentary Film 2018 – Sync Licensing Placement
Congratulations to Roland Kluger in their recent sync licensing placement via Мusic Gateway
Profiling The Southern Soul Music Festival
First off, if you love Soul Music, then you have to experience these yearly events, they feature truly amazing talent from across the united states and...
Profiling Warner Music Group
A music company is a business that is involved in the production, promotion, distribution, and marketing of music. Music companies typically provide...
The Absolute Best Songs With Echo
Music has the power to evoke strong emotions and memories. It can capture a moment in time and hold it in eternity. One of the most captivating...
The Album is Dead – What Now?
Digital has overtaken physical and streaming has risen to represent a majority of digital sales. There is no question that this is the current trend. But...
Druid City Music Hall Review
Druid City Music Hall is a popular music venue located in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. This article review will explore the venue’s history, its current...
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