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LoFi: An Exploration into Lofi Music
LoFi or LoFi music is a genre that has been gaining popularity in recent years, especially among younger listeners. Lo-Fi, short for low fidelity, is an...
Study Music: Why Music For Studying Can Help
Studying can sometimes be a challenging task, especially when your concentration wavers. One popular method to maintain focus and improve productivity is by...
A History of College Rock: 11 Best Hits of All Time
Hello, music lovers! Today, let’s talk about the genre that’s all about those college days – college rock! For those of you who...
Jack Your Body: A History of Detroit Techno
Detroit, Michigan, the birthplace of techno music, has a rich history of electronic music that has influenced the world of music and culture. The city has...
The Best R&B Songs Of All Time
Rhythm and Blues, more commonly known as R&B, has been a cornerstone of the music industry for decades, with its soulful tunes, poignant lyrics, and...
The Benefits Of Sleep Music
If you want to know what is the best type of music to sleep deeply, then look no further. We’ll share with you some links to free sleep music to send...
The Power of Relaxing Music
The power of music is undeniable. Especially when it can calm that nervous system of ours which can sometimes get a little overloaded. We have all been...
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