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Top Ten Cool Electric Guitars
Every musician is looking for those cool electric guitars that will not only make them look better but also those that will be in their possession forever....
Agogo Bells – What Are They And Where To Buy Them
Agogo Bells are percussion instruments that are used as a rhythmic accompaniment in music. We will give you the lowdown on the instrument’s history,...
What is an Acrosonic Piano?
Acrosonic pianos have been a staple in the music industry since the 1930s and have been used by some of the most famous musicians of all time. They are...
Our Pick of the Best Acoustic Guitars
Everyone needs an acoustic guitar. Whether you’re a pro musician or simply a hobbyist, an acoustic guitar should be in every guitarist’s arsenal. But...
zZsounds Review
Since launching In Chicago as a brick-and-mortar music store in 1996, zZounds has grown into one of North America’s top online music equipment...
Best Ebony Bridge & Where To Buy One
Looking for a guitar bridge and sure which style you should invest in for your guitar? You may know there are quite a few materials bridges can be made of,...
Music and Art: A Complete Review
The smell and the atmosphere of walking into a music shop offer an unparalleled experience for music lovers. A visit to Music and Art online might not allow...
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