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The Great Escape Music Conference

Photograph of the blog post author, Jon



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11 – 14 May 2022



What Is The Great Escape?

The Great Escape Music Conference is the festival for new music and new music business, bringing together thousands of music industry practitioners for three days of insight sessions, panels, conversations, networking and parties every May, in Brighton.

With its hub in the centre of Brighton, the convention runs alongside The Great Escape showcase festival, which presents over 450 artists from all over the world in 35+ venues across the city.

Artists in the line up so far include: Hamish Hawk, Charmaine, Miso Extra, Enum Claw, Someone, Daisy Brain, Nora and more!

the great escape music festival brighton

A Great Escape Music Conference delegate pass gets you access to all the core strands of the convention, including insight sessions, panels, conversations, networking events and parties, plus priority access into all festival venues subject to capacity.

BPI are sponsoring both the Music and Data and Music and Video Convention Strands – more details will be released in the coming weeks.

How Can I Get Tickets?

BPI members can get a discounted ticket by selecting the “Partner Discount Delegate Pass”


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