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Мusic Gateway x Uniform Wares: Sync Placement With Ch!mes

Photograph of the blog post author, Jon



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We had so much fun with the sync placement back in 2020. We worked on the brand new watch collection by Uniform Wares, featuring genre-bending producer Ch!mes. 

UK-based watch brand Uniform Wares are known for their British design and Swiss craft. They geared up to unveil their new selection of watches through an online campaign. 

The vision was to create an advert that represents their modern and minimalist style and required a track to capture the attention of a young, vibrant and mixed audience. 

Our brilliant Sync & Licensing Coordinator, Viraz Limbachia had this to say, “When our client approached us, they were keen on using a modern electronic track for their advert which wasn’t vocal-heavy and that could appeal to young adults and mature audiences alike.

Amongst the first few options was Ch!mes’ refreshing track “Apparent” that immediately fit as it sonically represents the brand’s slick aesthetic.”

Ch!mes’ ambient and mid-tempo Electronic track “Apparent” came from our impressive catalogue of artists here at Мusic Gateway. 

The distinctive vocal sample chops paired perfectly with Uniform Wares’ campaign, and successfully met the brand’s marketing objectives. Making the advert truly something special.

Ch!mes said, “With my track ‘Apparent’ the goal was to make something fun, innovative, exciting and most importantly fresh.”

Uniform Wares

Summary – Uniform Wares Sync Placement

So now you see the value of Sync Placements. There is so much creativity and collaboration just in one video. Sync placements are really essential for musicians because they provide an additional source of income and an opportunity to reach new fans. Sync placements can also help to build a musician’s brand and increase their visibility, which can lead to more opportunities for live performances, record deals, and other business opportunities. Additionally, sync placements can help to establish a musician’s music as part of a larger cultural landscape.

Your Time To Shine

Would you like to get your music in ad campaigns like Ch!mes? Мusic Gateway can help you on the road to success!

Then please use this link to get in touch with us to discuss any opportunities such as Sync Licensing, Music Licensing, Music Clearance, Sync Libraries or Music Libraries, etc., you may want to take further.

You can book a call with Sam – Head of Sync Licensing – as a potential lead. We are always happy to talk to musicians like you. Please do get in touch.


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