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How To Become A Tour Manager
As fans of music, we’ve pretty much all been to see a band who are on tour. As fans in the audience, we rarely consider what actually goes on behind the...
Merch Ideas For Artists & Bands
Band merch has always been a key part of any band’s offering and over the past decade. Since revenues from recorded music have dwindled, the humble merch...
Music Row Magazine
Music Row Nashville Tennessee is one of the most famous areas in music. Pretty much every building is either a recording studio, label office, publishing...
MIDEM Music Conference Guide: What Is MIDEM?
In this article, we will be discussing the importance of the major music event MIDEM. We will outline a few of the key factors of the event as well as...
How To Find Band Members
If you’re a musician, you may wonder how to find band members to play with. After all, the great thing about music is that it is collaborative. One of...
What is Fiverr & Can You Make Money Using It As A Musician?
Many of us that work in the music industry are freelancers. We move from project to project for different clients working on a broad spectrum of different...
Universal Music Publishing Group Guide
When we’re talking about the world of music publishing, Universal Music Publishing Group will undeniably be a talking point. They have a worldwide operation...
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