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How To Build A Fanbase As A Musician
Have you always wondered how people get such a devoted fanbase, whether that be in real life or on social media? What makes them have so many followers and...
Roland’s 50th Anniversary Concept Model – Roland Digital Piano Review
Roland’s digital piano keyboards have a long standing reputation within the music industry for demonstrating consistent innovation in their designs. Founded...
How Are Guitars Made?
Ever wondered how guitars are made? And how does the process differ between making electric and acoustic guitars? Are they made in a factory and what type...
Taylor Swift’s New Album ‘Midnights’ Achieves Highest Sales In 7 Years
Taylor Swift had made some serious ground with her new album Midnights, released via Republic Records. This is her 11th No.1 and she means business. And by...
Black Male Artists – The Best In The Business
Continuing our celebration of black history month, we wanted to share another article celebrating black culture in music, this time looking at black male...
Best Vocal Warm Ups For Singers
As any singer knows, you need to really warm up those muscles to give your best performance. I’m sure you have heard of these before, but some maybe you...
What Is A&R – And How Can They Help You?
As an artist, have you ever wondered how new emerging talent gets picked up or are you looking for a creative job where you think you have the knack of...
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